Monday, February 16, 2009

It's been to long

Oh the beauty of God's creation!
I am getting to enjoy the most amazing miracle of all right now carrying little Gracie Mae inside me. Yes it is a girl and Jeffrey and I are so thrilled. I can not wait to meet the sweet little face of the active little girl inside me. To feel her kicks is amazing and something that only mothers can fully enjoy. Jeffrey is so excited for her to come and i am so excited to see him take on the role of a father, it already comes so naturally to him and he already is so amazing at loving her. She is due May 3rd and i feel as if the date is creeping up on me, we have absolutely nothing ready. She is already a drama queen i guess she takes after her momma. When we found out she was a girl the doctors had also told us that they thought there was something wrong with her, a thing called trysomey 18 which is universally fatal to any child diagnosed with this. for a week Jeffrey and i waited to go to the specialist doctor so find out if our baby girl was going to be okay. it was one rough week but the Lord gave us so much strength by His word and the love of everyone around us. if you have ever been through the fiery trials which i am sure most have you have you know what i mean when i say the Lord was carrying us through, i could literally almost feel His arms of support as he walked me through each day. In the end we went to the specialist doctor and he told us she is completely healthy and normal. It showed me though that this child is not our own she is a gift from God and her days our numbered and ordained by him already, May we be responsible with the gift He has given us. Well that pretty much sums up what this seasoned as looked like for Jeffrey and I hopefully i will be a little better at posting things to keep you all updated.