I am constantly inspired by the walk of Jesus. I know there is so many ways to interpret the bible and the way we as Christians are suppose to walk out this life on earth but i am challenged to study the way Jesus walked before us. To sit at my Saviors feet and learn from Him, glean from the way he dealt with situations and how he loved the people placed in front of Him. He was a man full of grace for those who where weak and conviction for those who "played religion". I want my walk to mimic His example. to speak words of grace and love to the tax collectors, prostitutes, and lame in our day like He did in His time. I know that He is a God of justice and wants us to walk the straight and narrow and those things I hear Him speak as well but as i watch is actions i see love above all. I see Him push back on the people of social status who tried to put rules on what was acceptable as a religious scholar. I see people in our time doing the same things the Pharisee's did and it saddens me to see us as Christian's struggle with the very thing that Jesus himself scorned so heavily when he walked this earth. What has happened to our Love and Grace above everything else for others. i am myself am guilty of this same pious attitude toward others. we don't know the heart only Christ really does so who are we to sit here and judge the way others relationship with the Lord looks like. We as the younger generation have become infatuated with the idea of finding some new revelation and have missed the mark altogether of making Jesus the focal point. We want freedom from the religious chains we feel trapped in by those before us with there rules but we have missed it has well. Its not about rules and regulations that makes us closer to Christ or more saved but it is also not about the idol of a new Revelation both stances in my opinion have missed the mark, the marks of a man who was sent to save a lost world. the marks of a man who took this girls sins so that i could live in freedom with Him for eternity. Why is that not amazing enough for us. why are we either A trying to earn our freedom our way still or B trying to find some new revelation to stir our hearts up. I ask again why is the cross not enough? why is the example Jesus laid out by the example he left not enough for us? I challenge everyone myself included get back to the heart of our existence and that is Jesus and what He did because his love was enough for Him.