Friday, November 4, 2011

Jesus love the children

so today was just a typical day in my life, you know the running here and there through out the house feeling like what did my mom always say oh yeah a "chicken with my head cut off." but in between breakfast, diapers and getting both girls down for a nap my sweet husband let me run errands. ahh the sweet bliss of going to the grocery store without a child screaming in the cart "i want candy, i want a toy, i want this i want that." as i was out i decided to go try on these boots i had saw at the mall the other day. while i was waiting for my size to come out the lord provided a divine appointment for me. I began to talk to this sweet women who was in her forties and quite beautiful. I had told her i had two girls at home and she said " oh girls are just wonderful i as well have two beautiful girl but mine are 23 and 22." I then asked her if she had one piece of advice for me what would it be she said communication and to start communicating at a young age. she also said that most people say they just love the babies all cuddly but she didn't like that stage has much as when they were older and could play together. it was nice to hear her say exactly what i was feeling. it was so sweet of the Lord to bring this women through my path and hear from someone who had gone through what i was going through and what i will go through in the future. i love my sweet family and even on the most crazy of days where i am so overwhelmed and want to just go back to bed i would not change being a mother to my beautiful girls and a wife to my amazing husband. The Lord has just recently been teaching me the importance of this role. I was reading this book " heaven is for real" it is where this little boy goes to heaven and the thing that he keeps telling his parents over and over again about Jesus was ,"He really loves the children, he really really loves the children." has i read this i was convicted and inspired. Being the Mommy to these two beautiful little girls is so precisous in the Lords sight and i could not be doing anything more important to Him. I pray everyday that with the Lords strength, wisdom, and love i would pour into and pour over these three the Lord has place in my sphere of influence. That by Him pouring through me I would then be able to pour into them without a need to recieve anything in return. this is my hearts cry and pray, to be the best mommy and wife i can be and always keep the Lord at the center of everything. Thank you Jesus for the blessing of my family and for chosing me to be mommy to my girls, help them to follow me as i follow You. You are God and there is none besides you.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

my sweet yet crazy family

Lord my questions remain yet I will still praise you. I get frustrated with the questions of why,
why would you let this happen to me? Why can’t it be easier? Both my girls had/
have acid reflux and has baby are so difficult and hard to calm. Never have I
gotten the pleasure of having a easy baby who packs around where ever with me
and just sleeps. I know this seem meanal and not something to shake my faith or
cause me to ask these questions stated above but I am there. It is not so hard really but I guess my expectation for this 2nd baby was that she would make up for how
hard it was with my first and when that expectation was met with yet another
difficult baby I have since been crushed. I am easily impatient and frustrated.
I wish I had the patients of Christ right now but I lack it with my every
being. I know what they all say it is
just a season it will get easier and I know in my head this is true but in the
everyday moments when she is screaming her head off and not sleeping and
fighting eating the journey seem never ending. It seems I will be in the season
for ever and there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I want to enjoy these
moments because I know like said to me so many times they go by so fast and you are going to miss this but when I have
finally gotten the wee one to sleep and my two year old starts screaming from
the potty chair where come to find out has poop all over her hands and that
scream wakes up the wee babe for yet another round of screaming I find it hard
to cherish these moments. Then my baby gives me that toothless grin and my two
year old says I love you momma so much I am reminded of why my husband and I
took this leap of parenthood in the first place. I am blessed I will never dyne
that but I do long for days where I get some sleep and can finish journaling
for the day before I am intrupted by the screaming of one child or
another. And so I am off to try and be
the best mommy I can be to my girls and still keep some of my sanity and grace.
Lord I need you strength and grace. Give me an extra dose of your patience and
love for these crazy filled days and may I remember I have the choice to speak
life or death into this family’s heart and I want to be one who speaks life and
gives them hope. I am going to need you for that. Amen!