Thursday, January 19, 2012

Watched a movie with my baby on my lap today, because of course she like every other day refused to nap. Sure I would liked to watch my movie in peace with no intruptions on this raining day, but I Would not trade those giggles and smiles for any amount of quite time. Yes I won't lie at times the single life without babies sounds so appealing to my over stimulated ears but if I really think back to that time I wanted this life so bad and felt so bored and unfulfilled without those sweet cheeks. I know through each season with my girls will come its challenges and struggles but as well each season will come with new joys and laughter. As I play princess with one and peekaboo with the other I am overwhelmed with and in awe of how blessed I am. Each day I find myself in some new adventure seen through there little eyes( that is if I allow myself to stop for a minute and go there with them.) the other day I was watching my littlest bean look out our window at cars passing by in such wonder and amazement and for that moment I to was able to see this world for the first time, through the eyes of my baby. Yes my days are not always filled with moments like this were I am able to see past all the dishes and Laundrey and screams from one direction or the next. I would be utterly lying if I told you they were,that I had some how attend the unattenable goal us mothers so seek after, " to enjoy each moment because it goes by so fast," not even close but there are moments where I find myself cherishing the craziness and I find myself able like today to really say I would not have it any other way. Let me tell you those are the moments I cherish the most when i find myself seeing the bigger picture and loving all I have. they are just rare beautiful moments but they are what keep me sane until the next scream or melt down comes. along.

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